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Aids To Navigation Teams


Astoria, OR


Buffalo, NY

Buffalo, NY

Station & ANT Burlington, VT


Charleston, SC

Charleston, SC

Chincoteague, VA

Chincoteague, VA

Colfax, LA

Crisfield, MD

Dulac, LA

Dulac, LA

Fort Lauderdale, FL


Fort Macon
Atlantic Beach, NC

Fort Macon
Atlantic Beach, NC

Fort Pierce, FL

Georgetown, SC
(2.25” diameter; .1875” thick)

Hampton Roads, VA

Hampton Roads, VA

Kennewick, WA

Long Island Sound
New Haven, CT

Milford Haven, VA
(1.75” diameter)

Milford Haven, VA
(2” diameter)

Milford Haven, VA


Mobile, AL

Morgan City, LA

Moriches, NY

Moriches, NY

Muskegon, MI

Muskegon, MI

New York
Bayonne, NJ


Panama City, FL

Panama City, FL
(4.5” W x 3.5” H)

Philadelphia, PA
(Heavy; 2.5” diameter; .25” thick)


Portsmouth, VA
(2.25” diameter)

Saginaw River, MI

San Francisco, CA

San Francisco, CA

San Francisco, CA


Sitka, AK


Southwest Harbor, ME

Southwest Harbor, ME

Southwest Harbor, ME

Southwest Harbor, ME

Tybee, SC


Wanchese, NC
55’ Aid-To-Navigation Boat (ANB) 55113
26’ Over-The-Horizon Cutter Boat 26178
(3” H x 2.5” W)

Wanchese, NC
49’ Stern Loading Buoy Boat (BUSL) 49425
26’ Over-The-Horizon Cutter Boat 26178
(3” H x 2.5” W)

Wanchese, NC
55’ Aid-To-Navigation Boat (ANB) 55113
26’ Over-The-Horizon Cutter Boat 26178