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Aviation & Air Stations


29 OCTOBER 2009

On 29 October 2009, CG-1705, a Lockheed HC-130H Hercules from Coast Guard Air Station Sacramento, CA, and a Bell AH-1W Super Cobra helicopter from U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, CA, collided in mid-air 15 miles east of San Clemente Island off the coast of San Diego, CA.  CG-1705 was on a Search and Rescue mission to search for a sailboat in distress, while the Super Cobra was on a separate training flight.  CG-1705 was carrying a crew of seven and the Cobra a crew of two. Tragically, there were no survivors.  USCGC EDISTO, USCGC PETREL, USCGC BLACKFIN, and two Sikorsky CH-53E helicopters were sent to search the area.  USCGC BLACKTIP, USCGC GEORGE COBB & USCGC JARVIS later joined the search.

On 1 November 2009, the search for survivors was terminated after 644 square miles of ocean were searched.  The search and rescue efforts were then converted to a search and recovery operation.  All nine crewmembers involved in the mishap, including seven aboard CG-1705 and two aboard the Marine Super Cobra, were presumed dead.

The crew of CG-1705 was LCDR Che Barnes of Capay, CA, pilot; LT Adam Bryant of Crewe, VA, co-pilot; AMTC John Seidman of Carmichael, CA, flight engineer; AET2 Carl P. Grigonis of Mayfield Heights, OH, navigator; AET2 Monica L. Beacham of Decaturville, TN, radio operator; AMT2 Jason S. Moletzsky of Norristown, PA, air crew; and AMT3 Danny R. Kreder II, of Elm Mott, TX, dropmaster.

In Memory of the Crew of
Coast Guard CG-1705



HH-60 Jayhawk

HH-60 Jayhawk

HH-60 Jayhawk

HH-60 Jayhawk

H-60 Jayhawk
Flight Mechanic

Helicopter Flight Mechanic

MH-60T Jayhawk

MH-60T Jayhawk

MH-60T Jayhawk
(4” W x 1” H)

MH-60T Jayhawk
(4” W x 1” H)

MH-60T Jayhawk
Tail Section
(4” H x 2.75” W)


HH-65 Dolphin


HH-65 Dolphin

HH-65 Dolphin

HH-65 Dolphin

Tail Section
(3.25” H x 2.5” W)

HC-130 Hercules

HC-130 Hercules

Coast Guard Aviation
(2.5” H x 2.125” W)

(2.5” diameter)

Coast Guard Aviation 75th Anniversary
1916 - 1991

Coast Guard Aviation 100th Anniversary
1916 - 2016

USCG Aviation Centennial
1916 - 2016

100 Years of U.S. Coast Guard Aviation
1916 - 2016

50 Years of HC-130 Flight Operations
1959 - 2009

75 Years of Helicopters
1943 - 2018

100 Years of HC-130J Flight
1903 - 2003


EADS North America
(now Airbus Group, Inc.)
(Prime contractor of the HC-144A Ocean Sentry
maritime patrol aircraft; as well as a supplier of
the HH-65 Dolphin helicopter)

EADS North America
(now Airbus Group, Inc.)
(Prime contractor of the HC-144A Ocean Sentry
maritime patrol aircraft; as well as a supplier of
the HH-65 Dolphin helicopter)

Ancient Albatross


Enlisted Albatross

12th Enlisted Ancient Albatross
CMC Broderick W. Johnson

Coast Guard Aviation Association


Ancient Order of the Pterodactyl

Ancient Order of the Pterodactyl

Ancient Order of the Pterodactyl
Aviator / Aircrew

Ancient Order of the Pterodactyl
2016 ROOST
Aviation Training Center Mobile, AL

International Ice Patrol
Coast Guard Navigation Center
Alexandria, VA

International Ice Patrol
Coast Guard Navigation Center
Alexandria, VA

International Ice Patrol
Coast Guard Navigation Center
Alexandria, VA

International Ice Patrol
Coast Guard Navigation Center
Alexandria, VA

International Ice Patrol
100th Anniversary
1913 - 2013


Helicopter Rescue Swimmer
”So Others May Live”

Helicopter Rescue Swimmer
”So Others May Live”

Rescue Swimmer
”So Others May Live”


Aviation Rescue Swimmer
Disabled American Veterans

Underwater Egress
”…So The Sea Shall Not Have Them”

Search And Rescue Specialist

Katrina Cooley, PA-C
”Let your Faith be BIGGER than your Fear”


Aircraft Repair & Supply Center
Elizabeth City, NC

Aviation Logistics Center
Elizabeth City, NC

Aviation Technical Training Center
Elizabeth City, NC

Aviation Technical Training Center
Elizabeth City, NC

Aviation Technical Training Center
Elizabeth City, NC

Aviation Technical Training Center
Elizabeth City, NC

Aviation Projects Acquisition Center (APAC)
Elizabeth City, NC
(formerly Asset Project Office (APO))


Asset Project Office (APO)
Elizabeth City, NC
(now Aviation Projects Acquisition Center (APAC))

Asset Project Office (APO)
Elizabeth City, NC
(now Aviation Projects Acquisition Center (APAC))

Aviation Training Center
Mobile, AL

Aviation Training Center
Mobile, AL

Aviation Training Center
Mobile, AL

Aviation Training Center
Mobile, AL

Aviation Training Center
Mobile, AL

Aviation Training Center
Mobile, AL

Aviation Training Center
Mobile, AL
(Heavy 4” diameter; .1875” thick)


Aviation Training Center
Medical & Dental Clinic
Mobile, AL
(2.25” diameter)

Aviation Training Center
Medical & Dental Clinic
Mobile, AL



Warrenton, OR
Presented For Excellence By The
Commanding Officer

Warrenton, OR
Presented For Excellence
Commanding Officer / Command Senior Chief

Warrenton, OR


Warrenton, OR

Warrenton, OR

Warrenton, OR
Group Commander

Warrenton, OR
Group Commander

Atlantic City, NJ

Atlantic City, NJ

Atlantic City, NJ

Atlantic City, NJ

Atlantic City, NJ

Atlantic City, NJ

Atlantic City, NJ
25 Years of Operational Excellence
1998 - 2023

Atlantic City, NJ
Helicopter Rescue Swimmer
”So Others May Live”

Atlantic City, NJ


Aviation Operations Bahamas
Seventh Coast Guard District


Barbers Point, HI
Commanding Officer & Command Master Chief

Barbers Point, HI
Commanding Officer & Command Master Chief

Barbers Point, HI
Stand-Up of Department of Homeland Security
March 1, 2003

Barbers Point, HI
HC-130H to HC-130J Transition 2022

Aguadilla, PR
Commanding Officer

Aguadilla, PR

Aguadilla, PR

Aguadilla, PR

Aguadilla, PR

Aguadilla, PR

Aguadilla, PR

Aguadilla, PR

Brooklyn, NY


Cape Cod
Sandwich, MA

Cape Cod
Sandwich, MA

Cape Cod
Sandwich, MA

Cape Cod
Sandwich, MA

Cape Cod
Sandwich, MA


Clearwater, FL
Commanding Officer

Clearwater, FL
Commanding Officer

Clearwater, FL
Presented by the Commanding Officer


Clearwater, FL

Clearwater, FL

Clearwater, FL
Coast Guard City

Clearwater, FL
Coast Guard City

Clearwater, FL

Clearwater, FL
Clearwater Historical Society Museum
Salutes the U.S. Coast Guard 2023

Detroit, MI

Detroit, MI

Detroit, MI


Detroit, MI
(2.25” W x 2” H)

Detroit, MI
(2.25” W x 2” H)

Elizabeth City, NC
Commanding Officer

Elizabeth City, NC

Elizabeth City, NC

Elizabeth City, NC

Aviation Detachment (ADVET)
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba


Houston, TX

Houston, TX

Houston, TX

Houston, TX

Helicopter Interdiction Tactical Squadron (HITRON)
Jacksonville, FL
Commanding Officer

Helicopter Interdiction Tactical Squadron (HITRON)
Jacksonville, FL

Helicopter Interdiction Tactical Squadron (HITRON)
Jacksonville, FL

Helicopter Interdiction Tactical Squadron (HITRON)
Jacksonville, FL

Helicopter Interdiction Tactical Squadron (HITRON)
Jacksonville, FL

Helicopter Interdiction Tactical Squadron (HITRON)
Jacksonville, FL

Helicopter Interdiction Tactical Squadron
Jacksonville, FL

Helicopter Interdiction Tactical Squadron
Jacksonville, FL

Helicopter Interdiction Tactical Squadron
Jacksonville, FL

Helicopter Interdiction Tactical Squadron
Jacksonville, FL
(2.5” H x 2” W)

Kodiak, AK
(Antique Nickel Finish)

Kodiak, AK
(Chrome Finish)

Kodiak, AK

Kodiak, AK

Kodiak, AK
(4” W x 1.375” H)

Kodiak, AK
Night Shift
(1.75” W x 3” H)

Los Angeles, CA
(now Air Station Ventura, Point Mugu, CA)

Los Angeles, CA
(now Air Station Ventura, Point Mugu, CA)

Miami, FL

Miami, FL

Miami, FL

Miami, FL

Miami, FL

Miami, FL

Miami, FL

Miami, FL

Miami, FL

Miami, FL

Miami, FL
From the Officers of Air Station Miami
For Your Loyal Service


Mobile, AL


North Bend, OR

North Bend, OR

North Bend, OR


Port Angeles, WA

Port Angeles, WA

Port Angeles, WA

Port Angeles, WA
(2.25” H x 2”W)

Port Angeles, WA

Port Angeles, WA
85th Anniversary
1935 - 2020

Sacramento, CA

Sacramento, CA

Sacramento, CA

Sacramento, CA

Sacramento, CA
Golden Wrench Award

Sacramento, CA
(Heavy 3” diameter; .25” thick)

San Diego, CA


San Francisco, CA

San Francisco, CA

San Francisco, CA

San Francisco, CA

San Francisco, CA
Skunk Works

San Francisco, CA
Skunk Works

San Francisco, CA
Forward Operating Base (FOB) Point Mugu
(formerly Air Station Los Angeles, CA;
now Air Station Ventura, Point Mugu, CA)


Savannah, GA

Savannah, GA

Savannah, GA

Savannah, GA

Savannah, GA

Savannah, GA

Savannah, GA


Sitka, AK

Sitka, AK
(2.25” W x 1.5” H)

Sitka, AK
(2.5” W x 2.0” H)


Traverse City, MI

Traverse City, MI

Traverse City, MI

Traverse City, MI

Traverse City, MI

Traverse City, MI

Traverse City, MI

Traverse City, MI

Traverse City, MI
75th Anniversary
1945 - 2020


Point Mugu, CA
(formerly Air Station Los Angeles, CA)
Commanding Officer - Awarded for Excellence
(2.25” Diameter)

Point Mugu, CA
(formerly Air Station Los Angeles, CA)

Washington, DC

Washington, DC

Washington, DC

Washington, DC

Washington, DC
CG-102 Acquisition Team
29 June 2022
(2” diameter; .25” thick)

Washington, DC
C-37 Tail Section
(4” W x 2.75” H)