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Anchorage, AK

Anchorage, AK
Contingency Planning Force Readiness
(3” H x 2.25” W)

Baltimore, MD
(now Sector Maryland-National Capital Region)

Baltimore, MD
(now Sector Maryland-National Capital Region)

Baltimore, MD
(now Sector Maryland-National Capital Region)


Boston, MA

Boston, MA

Boston, MA

Boston, MA

Boston, MA

Boston, MA

Greater Boston Wardroom
(2.25” diameter)


Buffalo, NY
(now Sector Eastern Great Lakes)
Presented by Sector Commander

Buffalo, NY
(now Sector Eastern Great Lakes)

Buffalo, NY
(now Sector Eastern Great Lakes)

Buffalo, NY
(now Sector Eastern Great Lakes)

Buffalo, NY
(now Sector Eastern Great Lakes)

Buffalo, NY
(now Sector Eastern Great Lakes)

Charleston, SC

Charleston, SC

Charleston, SC


Columbia River
Portland, OR

Columbia River
Portland, OR

Columbia River
Portland, OR
(2.5” diameter)

Columbia River
Portland, OR

Corpus Christi, TX

Corpus Christi, TX

Delaware Bay
Philadelphia, PA

Delaware Bay
Philadelphia, PA

Delaware Bay
Philadelphia, PA

Delaware Bay
Philadelphia, PA

Delaware Bay
Philadelphia, PA


Detroit, MI
Sector Commander

Detroit, MI
Sector Commander

Detroit, MI

Detroit, MI

Detroit, MI
Industrial Production Facility


Eastern Great Lakes
Buffalo, NY
(formerly Sector Buffalo, NY)


Sector Field Office (SFO)
Grand Haven, MI

Sector Field Office (SFO)
Grand Haven, MI

Sector Field Office (SFO)
Grand Haven, MI


Santa Rita, GU

Santa Rita, GU

Santa Rita, GU


Forces Micronesia
Santa Rita, GU
(2” W x 1.625” H)

Forces Micronesia
Santa Rita, GU
(3” W x 2.375” H)

Hampton Roads
Portsmouth, VA
Sector Commander
(now Sector Virginia)

Hampton Roads
Portsmouth, VA
Sector Commander
(now Sector Virginia)

Hampton Roads
Portsmouth, VA
(now Sector Virginia)
Sector Commander

Hampton Roads
Portsmouth, VA
(now Sector Virginia)

Hampton Roads
Portsmouth, VA
(now Sector Virginia)


Hampton Roads
Portsmouth, VA
(now Sector Virginia)

Hampton Roads
Portsmouth, VA
(now Sector Virginia)

Honolulu, HI

Honolulu, HI
Commanding Officer / Command Master Chief

Houston-Galveston, TX

Houston-Galveston, TX

Houston-Galveston, TX


Houston-Galveston, TX

Houston-Galveston, TX

Houston-Galveston, TX


Humboldt Bay
McKinleyville, CA

Jacksonville, FL

Juneau, AK
(now Sector Southeast Alaska)
Sector Commander

Juneau, AK
(now Sector Southeast Alaska)

Juneau, AK
(now Sector Southeast Alaska)


Key West, FL
Sector Commander / Command Master Chief

Key West, FL
Sector Commander / Command Master Chief

Key West, FL
Sector Commander / Command Master Chief


Key West, FL
Presented by Sector Commander,
Deputy Commander and Command Master Chief

Key West, FL
Presented by Sector Commander and
Command Master Chief

Key West, FL
Southernmost Clinic
(2.5” diameter; .25” thick)


Lake Michigan
Milwaukee, WI

Lake Michigan
Milwaukee, WI

Lake Michigan
Milwaukee, WI

Lake Michigan
Milwaukee, WI

Lake Michigan
Milwaukee, WI
Response / Prevention

Lake Michigan
Milwaukee, WI
Sector Command

Lake Michigan
Milwaukee, WI

Lake Michigan
Milwaukee, WI

Los Angeles - Long Beach
San Pedro, CA

Los Angeles - Long Beach
San Pedro, CA

Los Angeles - Long Beach
San Pedro, CA


Los Angeles - Long Beach
San Pedro, CA

Los Angeles - Long Beach
San Pedro, CA

Long Island Sound
New Haven, CT

Long Island Sound
New Haven, CT
CAPT Quentin R. Walsh

Long Island Sound
New Haven, CT

Long Island Sound
New Haven, CT

Long Island Sound
New Haven, CT

Long Island Sound
New Haven, CT

Long Island Sound
New Haven, CT


Long Island Sound
New Haven, CT

Long Island Sound
New Haven, CT

Lower Mississippi River
Memphis, TN

Maryland-National Capital Region
Baltimore, MD
(formerly Sector Baltimore)

Miami, FL

Miami, FL

Miami, FL

Miami, FL

Miami, FL

Miami, FL
Command Center

Miami, FL
Vessel Boarding Security Team


Mobile, AL

Mobile, AL

Mobile, AL


Mobile, AL
(2.5” diameter)

Mobile, AL
(2.5” diameter)

Mobile, AL

Mobile, AL

Mobile, AL
Enforcement Division

Mobile, AL
Incident Management Division

Sector Field Office (SFO) Moriches
Long Island, NY
(Heavy 3.5” diameter; .25” thick)


New Orleans, LA
”Where Heroes Live”

New Orleans, LA
“Pride Of The Bayou”

New York
Staten Island, NY
Sector Commander / Command Master Chief
(4” H x 1.5” W)


New York
Staten Island, NY

New York
Staten Island, NY

New York
Staten Island, NY


New York
Staten Island, NY
Police Department

New York
Staten Island, NY
Police Department

New York
Staten Island, NY
Police Department

New York
Staten Island, NY
Police Department
(2” W x 2.5” H x .25” Thick)

New York
Staten Island, NY

New York
Staten Island, NY

New York
Staten Island, NY
Sandy Hook Armory

New York
Staten Island, NY
Sector Boarding Team

North Bend, OR
(Disestablished in 2023 and subsequently reorganized under
Sector Columbia River)


North Carolina
Atlantic Beach, NC

North Carolina
Atlantic Beach, NC

North Carolina
Atlantic Beach, NC

North Carolina
Atlantic Beach, NC

North Carolina
Atlantic Beach, NC


Northern New England
South Portland, ME
(Red Border)

Northern New England
South Portland, ME
(Orange Border)

Northern New England
South Portland, ME

Northern New England
South Portland, ME

Northern New England
South Portland, ME


Ohio Valley
Louisville, KY

Ohio Valley
Louisville, KY

Ohio Valley
Louisville, KY


Portland, OR

Portland, OR

Portland, OR


Puget Sound
Seattle, WA
(formerly Sector Seattle)

Puget Sound
Seattle, WA
(formerly Sector Seattle)

Puget Sound
Seattle, WA
(formerly Sector Seattle)

Puget Sound
Seattle, WA
(formerly Sector Seattle)

Puget Sound
Seattle, WA
Joint Harbor Operations Center
(formerly Sector Seattle)


San Diego, CA
(formerly Activities San Diego)

San Diego, CA
(formerly Activities San Diego)

San Diego, CA
(formerly Activities San Diego)

San Diego, CA
(formerly Activities San Diego)

San Diego, CA
(formerly Activities San Diego)


Activities San Diego, CA
(now Sector San Diego)

Activities San Diego, CA
(now Sector San Diego)

San Francisco, CA
Presented by the Captain of the Port

San Francisco, CA
”Bravo Zulu”
In Appreciation of Your Hard work

San Francisco, CA

San Francisco, CA

San Francisco, CA


San Juan, PR

San Juan, PR

San Juan, PR

San Juan, PR

San Juan, PR
(2.75” W x 2.25” H)

San Juan, PR
(3.5” W x 1.25” H)

Sault Sainte Marie, MI
(now Sector Northern Great Lakes)

Sault Sainte Marie, MI
(now Sector Northern Great Lakes)

Sault Sainte Marie, MI
(now Sector Northern Great Lakes)

Sault Sainte Marie, MI
(now Sector Northern Great Lakes)

Seattle, WA
(now Sector Puget Sound)

Seattle, WA
(now Sector Puget Sound)

Seattle, WA
(now Sector Puget Sound)


Southeastern New England
Woods Hole, MA
Presented by the Sector Commander

Southeastern New England
Woods Hole, MA

Sector Field Office (SFO)
Southwest Harbor, ME

Sector Field Office (SFO)
Southwest Harbor, ME

Sector Field Office (SFO)
Southwest Harbor, ME


St. Petersburg, FL
Sector Commander

St. Petersburg, FL

St. Petersburg, FL

St. Petersburg, FL

Upper Mississippi River
St. Louis, MO
Sector Commander

Upper Mississippi River
St. Louis, MO

Upper Mississippi River
St. Louis, MO