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Alexandria Bay, NY


Annapolis, MD
(2.375” W x 2.25” H)

Annapolis, MD
(2.375” W x 2.25” H)

Atlantic City, NJ


Motor Lifeboat Station
Barnegat Light, NJ
District No. 4 Station No. 17
(2.125” H x 2” W)

U.S. Life Saving Service
Poyners Hill, NC
District No. 6 Station No. 9 Surfman No. 1
(2.125” H x 2” W)

Indian River Life Saving Station
Rehoboth Beach, DE
District No. 5 Station No. 3 Surfman No. 1
(2.125” H x 2” W)


Belle Isle, MI

Bellingham, WA

Boothbay Harbor, ME


Boston, MA

Boston, MA

Boston, MA


Brunswick, GA


Buffalo, NY

Buffalo, NY

Buffalo, NY
(2.5” W x 2” H)


Station & Aids to Navigation Team
Burlington, VT

Station Burlington, VT
Lake Champlain Summerstock

Cape Charles, VA

Cape Charles, VA

Cape Cod Canal, MA
(2.5” W x 2” H)


Cape Disappointment, WA
(2.25” H x 1.125” W)

Cape Disappointment, WA
(2.25” H x 1.125” W)

Cape Disappointment, WA


Cape May, NJ

Cape May, NJ

Castle Hill, RI

Channel Islands Harbor, CA

Charleston, SC


Chatham, MA
SS Pendleton Rescue
70th Anniversary
(2.25” diameter)


Chetco River, OR

Chetco River / SARDET Rogue River, OR

Chicamacomico Life-Saving Station
Rodanthe, NC
U.S. Life-Saving Service: 1874 - 1915
U.S. Coast Guard: 1915 - 1954
(now a Museum)
(Station best known for British tanker MIRLO rescue on 16 August 1918)


Chincoteague, VA

Chincoteague, VA

Cleveland Harbor, OH

Cleveland Harbor, OH
(2.125” H x 2” W)

Coos Bay, OR

Coos Bay, OR

Coos Bay & Coquille River, OR

Coos Bay & Coquille River, OR
(2.5” diameter)

Cortez, FL

Cortez, FL

Cortez, FL


Crisfield, MD

Crisfield, MD
(2.5” W x 2.375” H)

Curtis Bay, MD

Curtis Bay, MD

Curtis Bay, MD


Dauphin Island, AL

Depoe Bay, OR

Destin, FL

Duluth, MN

Eastport, ME


Eatons Neck, NY

Eatons Neck, NY

Elizabeth City, NC
(2.5” H x 2” W)


Erie, PA

Erie, PA

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Fort Lauderdale, FL
(2.25” H x 2” W)


Fort Macon, NC

Fort Macon, NC

Fort Myers Beach, FL
Commanding Officer

Fort Myers Beach, FL

Fort Myers Beach, FL

Fort Myers Beach, FL

Fort Pierce, FL

Fort Pierce, FL

Freeport, TX

Galveston, TX

Gloucester, MA

Golden Gate, CA

Grand Haven, MI

Grand Haven, MI

Grand Haven, MI


Grand Isle, LA
Presented by the Commanding Officer
(1.5” diameter)

Grand Isle, LA
Presented by the Commanding Officer
(1.75” diameter)

Grand Isle, LA
Presented by the Commanding Officer
(2.5” x. 2.25”)


Grand Isle, LA

Grand Isle, LA

Grand Isle, LA


Hobucken, NC


Honolulu, HI

Honolulu, HI

Houston, TX
Presented by the Commanding Officer

Houston, TX

Houston, TX


Humboldt Bay, CA
(2” H x 2.5” W)

Humboldt Bay, CA
(2” H x 2” W)

Humboldt Bay, CA


Indian River Inlet, DE


Islamorada, FL

Islamorada, FL
(3” H x 1.25” W)

Jones Beach, NY

Jones Beach, NY

Jonesport, ME

Jonesport, ME

Ketchikan, AK

Ketchikan, AK

Ketchikan, AK

Ketchikan, AK

Key West

Key West, FL

Key West, FL

Key West, FL
(2.5” diameter)

Kings Point, NY

Lake Charles, LA

Lake Worth Inlet, FL

Little Creek, VA

Lorain, OH

Lorain, OH

Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA

Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA

Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA

Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA

Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA

Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA

Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA
(2.5” diameter)


Louisville, KY

Manistee, MI

Marathon, FL

Marathon, FL
(3” H w 2.5” W)

Marblehead, OH

Marblehead, OH

Marquette, MI


Mayport, FL

Mayport, FL
(2.25” W x 2” H)

Reserve Security Detachment
Mayport, FL

Reserve Security Detachment
Mayport, FL

Miami Beach, FL
Commanding Officer

Miami Beach, FL
Commanding Officer

Miami Beach, FL
Presented by the Commanding Officer


Miami Beach, FL

Miami Beach, FL

Miami Beach, FL

Miami Beach, FL

Milford Haven, VA
(2.25” diameter)


Milwaukee, WI

Milwaukee, WI

Milwaukee, WI


Motor Lifeboat Station Neah Bay, WA
(Bronze finish)

Motor Lifeboat Station Neah Bay, WA
(Nickel finish)

Motor Lifeboat Station Neah Bay, WA
(Copper finish)


New Haven, CT

New Haven, CT

New London, CT


New Orleans, LA

New Orleans, LA
(3” diameter)

New York, NY

New York, NY

New York, NY


Niagara, NY

Niagara, NY
(3” diameter Spinner)

Ocean City, MD


Oswego, NY

Pensacola, FL

Philadelphia, PA

Philadelphia, PA

Ponce De Leon Inlet, FL


Port Canaveral, FL

Port Canaveral, FL

Port Canaveral, FL


Port Huron, MI


Portland, OR
(3” H x 2” W)


Port O’Connor, TX


Portsmouth Harbor
New Castle, NH

Portsmouth Harbor
New Castle, NH
(2.5” W x 2” H; .25” thick)

Portsmouth, VA

Pt. Judith, RI

Quillayute River, WA


Rochester, NY

Rochester, NY

Rochester, NY

Rochester, NY
(2.25” H x 2.25” W)

Rockland, ME

Rockland, ME

Rockland, ME

Rockland, ME

Sabine, TX


Saginaw River, MI


San Diego, CA

San Diego, CA

San Diego, CA


San Francisco, CA

San Francisco, CA
(4” H x 2.375” W)

San Juan, PR

San Juan, PR

Sand Key, FL

Sandy Hook, NJ

Seattle, WA
(2.25” W x 2” H)


Sheboygan, WI


Shinnecock, NY

Shinnecock, NY

Shinnecock, NY


MLB Station Siuslaw River, OR

Sodus Point, NY

South Padre Island, TX
(3.5” H x 3.5” W)

South Portland, ME

Southwest Harbor, ME


Southwest Harbor, ME

Southwest Harbor, ME

St. Clair Shores, MI


St. Inigoes, MD

St. Inigoes, MD

St. Joseph, MI

St. Petersburg, FL

Tawas, MI

Tawas, MI

Tybee Island, GA


Umpqua River, OR
(2.5” diameter)

Umpqua River, OR

Vallejo, CA

Vallejo, CA
(3” W x 2.25” H; .25” thick)

Venice, LA

Wachapreague, VA

Washington, DC

Washington, DC

Washington, DC


Woods Hole, MA

Woods Hole, MA

Wrightsville Beach, NC

Yankeetown, FL

Yaquina Bay, OR