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Marine Safety Units & Marine Safety Detachments


MSU Brownsville, TX

MSU Chicago, IL
Presented by the Indominable Crew

MSU Cleveland, OH

MSU Cleveland, OH

MSD Coram, NY

MSU Duluth, MN

MSU Galveston, TX
(now MSU Texas City, TX)

MSU Galveston, TX
(now MSU Texas City, TX)

MSU Galveston, TX
(now MSU Texas City, TX)

MSU Galveston, TX
(now MSU Texas City, TX)

MSU Houma, LA

MSU Houma, LA

MSU Lake Charles, LA

MSU Lake Charles, LA

MSD Lewes, DE
(now MSU Lewes, DE)

MSU Lewes, DE
(formerly MSD Lewes, DE)

MSU Morgan City, LA

MSU Paducah, KY

MSD Panama City, FL
Awarded for Excellence
(2.25” W x 2.25” H)


MSU Pittsburgh, PA

MSU Pittsburgh, PA

MSU Port Arthur, TX

MSU Port Arthur, TX

MSU Portland, OR

MSU Portland, OR

MSU Savannah, GA

MSD St. Paul / Minneapolis, MN

MSD St. Thomas Virgin USVI
(2.75” H x 2.375” W)

MSD St. Thomas Virgin USVI
(2.75” H x 2.375” W)

MSD St. Thomas Virgin USVI


MSU Texas City, TX
(formerly MSU Galveston, TX)

MSU Toledo, OH
Investigations Branch

MSU Valdez, AK

MSU Wilmington, DE