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Joint Task Force/Operations


Joint Task Force - Guantanamo Bay Detachment
(PSU 312 San Francisco, CA)

Joint Task Force - Guantanamo Bay
Operation Enduring Freedom

Maritime Security Detachment
Joint Task Force - Guantanamo Bay
Commanding Officer / Command Master Chief

Maritime Security Detachment
Joint Task Force - Guantanamo Bay
All Port Security Units

Joint Task Force - Guantanamo Bay
Operation Sea Signal

Joint Task Force - Guantanamo Bay
(2.25” W x 2.25” H)

United States Southern Command
U.S. Coast Guard Port Security Unit 311
Joint Task Force - MARSECDET
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
2012 - 2013
(2.25” W x 2.25” H)


Joint Interagency Task Force West
Camp H.M. Smith, Oahu, HI
RADM Robert P. Hayes
12 April 2019 - 25 June 2021

Joint Interagency Task Force West
Camp H.M. Smith, Oahu, HI
RDML James E. Rendon
27 April 2012 - 20 May 2015

Joint Interagency Task Force West
Camp H.M. Smith, Oahu, HI
Director’s Coin
Rear Admiral (Lower Half)

Joint Interagency Task Force West
Camp H.M. Smith, Oahu, HI
Director’s Coin
Rear Admiral (Lower Half)

Joint Harbor Operations Center Puget Sound
Seattle, WA


Maritime Expeditionary Security Forces
PSU 309


Commander, Task Force
Iraqi Maritime
PSU 312
(2.25” diameter)

Maritime Expeditionary Security Forces
PSU 312
(2.25” diameter)

Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base
New Orleans
Belle Chasse, LA
Presented by the Commanding Officer

Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base
New Orleans
Belle Chasse, LA

U.S. Special Operations Command -
Joint Capabilities
MacDill Air Force Base
Tampa, FL


Harbor Defense Command Unit 201
Naval Coastal Warfare - USN & USCG Reserve

Harbor Defense Command Unit 110
Operation Enduring Iraqi Freedom

Naval Coastal Warfare Squadron 21
Naval & Coast Guard Reserve

Harbor Defense Command Unit 111
Naval Coastal Warfare Group 1

Joint Program Office
National Air Security Operations Center

San Angelo, TX


C4 Systems Directorate J-6

USCG Non-Compliant Boarding Team VIII

Operation Desert Storm 1991


Hurricane Katrina 2005

Hurricane Katrina 2005

Joint Task Force - Hurricane Katrina 2005


Deepwater Horizon 2010
One Gulf Response

Hurricane Response
Irma and Maria 2017