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Chief Warrant Officers


CWO4 Forrest R. Appleton
Retirement Coin
Active Duty Service:
8 July 1980 - 30 September 2011

Chief Warrant Officer
United States Coast Guard

Chief Warrant Officer
United States Coast Guard Reserve

CWO3 Carol L. Channel
Retirement Coin

CWO4 K.B. Raisch
Retirement Coin

CWO4 Kelly L. Risch
Retirement Coin

CWO4 Paul Roszkowski
(2.75” H x 2.75” W)

LT Simon Sekitoleko
Promotion Coin

CWO4 Daniel S. Speer
Retirement Coin

CWO3 Dave Washburn
Retirement Coin


Chief Warrant Officer
Professional Development Course


Commissioning Coin

Commissioning Coin



Chief Warrant & Warrant Officers Association
Established 1929

Chief Warrant & Warrant Officers Association
Established 1929
(2” diameter; .25” thick)

Chief Warrant & Warrant Officers Association
50th Anniversary 1979


Chief Warrant & Warrant Officers Association
Established 1929
(3” H x 2” W)

Chief Warrant & Warrant Officers Association
Established 1929
(3.5” H x 2.75” W)

Baltimore Chapter
Baltimore, MD


Baltimore Chapter
Baltimore, MD
(2.5” W x 2.125” H)

Baltimore Chapter
Baltimore, MD
(2.5” W x 2.125” H)

Baltimore Chapter
Baltimore, MD
(2.5” W x 2.125” H)

Baltimore Chapter
Baltimore, MD
(2.5” W x 2.125” H)

Greater Boston Chapter
Boston, MA
(2.5” W x 2” H)


Golden Gate Chapter
Alameda, CA

Golden Gate Chapter
Alameda, CA

Great Lakes Chapter
Detroit, MI


Greater Miami Chapter
Miami, FL

Greater Miami Chapter
Miami, FL
(3” H x 2.25” W)

Juneau Chapter
Juneau, AK

Juneau Chapter
Juneau, AK

Mid-Pacific Chapter
Honolulu, HI

Norfolk District Chapter
Portsmouth, VA
(2.5” diameter)

Pacific Northwest Chapter
Seattle, WA

Philadelphia Chapter
Philadephia, PA
(now Independence Chapter)

Republic of Texas Chapter
Texas City, TX
(2.5” H x 2” W)

Rocky Coast Club
Westbrook, ME
(Inactive Chapter)

Sabine Chapter
Lake Charles, LA

Southern California Chapter
San Pedro, CA

Washington, DC Chapter
Washington, DC


Yorktown Chapter
Yorktown, VA

Yorktown Chapter
Yorktown, VA