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Coast Guard Investigative Service


Coast Guard Investigative Service
(2.75” H x 2” W)


Coast Guard Investigative Service

Coast Guard Investigative Service

Coast Guard Investigative Service

Coast Guard Investigative Service

Coast Guard Investigative Service


Coast Guard Investigative Service

Coast Guard Investigative Service

Coast Guard Investigative Service

Coast Guard Investigative Service

Coast Guard Special Agent

Security Forces Program

Protective Service Detail

Intelligence Specialist

Noble Eagle Operation Drydock

Panama Express Strike Force

Alaska Operations


Chesapeake Region Headquarters
Portsmouth, VA
(formerly Mid-Atlantic Region Headquarters)

Chesapeake Region Headquarters
Portsmouth, VA
(formerly Mid-Atlantic Region Headquarters)

Resident Agent Office
Elizabeth City, NC

Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
CGIS Training Detachment

Glynco, GA

Gulf Region Headquarters
New Orleans, LA

Gulf Region Headquarters
New Orleans, LA

Gulf Region Headquarters
New Orleans, LA

Gulf Region Headquarters
New Orleans, LA

Resident Agent Office
Houston, TX
(3” diameter)


Resident Agent Office
Jacksonville, FL

Resident Agent Office
Kodiak, AK

Resident Agent Office
Los Angeles/Long Beach
San Pedro, CA


Miami Field Office
(now Resident Agent Office Miami, FL)

Miami Field Office
(now Resident Agent Office Miami, FL)
(2.25” diameter)

Mid-Atlantic Region Headquarters
Portsmouth, VA
(now Chesapeake Region Headquarters)

New England Region Headquarters
Boston, MA
(now Northeast Region Headquarters)

New York Field Office
(now Resident Agent Office New York, NY)

New York Field Office
(now Resident Agent Office New York, NY)

New York Resident Agent Office
(formerly New York Field Office)
(2.75” diameter)


Northwest Region Headquarters
Seattle, WA

Northwest Field Office Headquarters
Seattle, WA

Pacific Region Headquarters
Alameda, CA

Pacific Region Headquarters
Alameda, CA
(2.5” H x 1.75” W)

Resident Agent Office Puerto Rico
San Juan, PR
(2.1875” diameter)

Resident Agent Office
San Diego, CA

Washington Field Office
(now Resident Agent Office Washington, DC)

Washington Field Office
(now Resident Agent Office Washington, DC)