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Balls & Festivals


2005 Coast Guard Ball
Washington Coast Guard Association

2006 Coast Guard Ball
Washington Coast Guard Association

2007 Coast Guard Ball
Washington Coast Guard Association

2008 Coast Guard Ball
Washington Coast Guard Association

Guardians’ Gala 2008


Commandant’s Ball 2011

Commandant’s Ball 2012

Commandant’s Ball 2013

2016 Coast Guard Ball

2017 Coast Guard Ball

2018 Coast Guard Ball

2019 Coast Guard Ball

2023 Coast Guard Ball
(2.25” diameter; .25” thick)

Inaugural Coast Guard Community Festival 2015
Cape May County, NJ
(2.25” diameter)


City of Grand Haven, Michigan
First city to be designated as
Coast Guard City, USA
by an Act of Congress and signed by President Bill Clinton on
13 November 1998


Grand Haven Coast Guard Festival

Grand Haven Coast Guard Festival

Grand Haven Coast Guard Festival 2017
Coast Guard City, USA

(2.25” diameter)

Grand Haven, Mich.
American Revolution
1776 – 1976 Bicentennial

2007 Pacific Northwest Coast Guard Ball
Navy League of the United States

2008 Pacific Northwest Coast Guard Ball
Navy League of the United States

2010 Pacific Northwest Coast Guard Ball
Navy League of the United States

San Francisco Bay Area Coast Guard Ball 2009

San Francisco Bay Area Coast Guard Ball 2011

San Francisco Bay Area Coast Guard Ball 2013

San Francisco Bay Area Coast Guard Ball 2015

2017 Bay Area Coast Guard Ball

Greater San Francisco Bay Area Coast Guard Ball 2019


Inaugural Coast Guard Festival 2017
Alameda, CA

2nd Annual Coast Guard Festival 2018
Alameda, CA

3rd Annual Coast Guard Festival 2019
Alameda, CA


Hampton Roads Ball 2011
U.S. Coast Guard Aviator No. 1 - 10 April 1917
CDR Elmer F. “Archie” Stone

Pittsburgh Armed Forces Ball 2019
Coast Guard Marine Safety Unit Pittsburgh

Florida Keys Coast Guard Ball 2013
A Hero’s Celebration

Florida Keys Coast Guard Ball 2014
The Year of Volunteers

Florida Keys Coast Guard Ball 2018
(3.5” H x 3” W)

Florida Keys Coast Guard Ball 2019
Portrait of Success