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Coast Guard Foundation


President Susan P. Ludwig
January 2017 - Present


Salute to the United States Coast Guard
30 Years
1981 - 2010

Supporting America’s Guardians
40 Years
1969 - 2009

50th Anniversary
1969 - 2019
Answering the Call - Honoring Our Heroes

50th Anniversary
1969 - 2019
Board of Directors and Trustees

Guardian’s Circle 2017

Guardian’s Circle 2018

Guardian’s Circle 2023


26th Annual Salute to the Coast Guard
October 19, 2006

13th Annual Salute to the Seventh District
November 16, 2006

Pacific Northwest Awards Dinner
May 30, 2007

3rd Annual Tribute to the Coast Guard in our Nation’s Capital
June 6, 2007

27th Annual Salute to the Coast Guard
October 18, 2007

14th Annual Salute to the Seventh District
November 15, 2007

4th Annual Tribute to the Coast Guard in our Nation’s Capital
June 10, 2008

Alaska Awards Dinner
August 14, 2008

28th Annual Salute to the Coast Guard
October 16, 2008

15th Annual Salute to the Seventh District
November 5, 2008

Pacific Northwest Awards Dinner
May 13, 2009

20th Annual Eighth Coast Guard District
Awards Dinner

March 1, 2013