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Enlisted Ratings


Avionics Electrical Technician (AET)

Avionics Electrical Technician (AET)

Aerographer’s Mate (AG)
(Obsolete Rating used from 1949 - 1975)


Aviation Maintenance Technician (AMT)

Aviation Survival Technician (AST)

Avionics Technician (AVT)
(In 2004 renamed Avionics Electrical Technician (AET))


Boatsmain’s Mate (BM)

Boatsmain’s Mate (BM)

Cyber Mission Specialist (CMS)


Culinary Specialist (CS)
(formerly Food Service Specialist)

Culinary Specialist (CS)
(formerly Food Service Specialist)

Damage Controlman (DC)

Electrician’s Mate (EM)

Electronics Technician (ET)

Electronics Technician (ET)

Food Service Specialist (FS)
(now Culinary Specialist (CS)

Gunner’s Mate (GM)

Health Services Technician (HS)


Intelligence Specialist (IS)

Intelligence Specialist (IS)

Information Systems Technician (IT)
(formerly Information Specialist)
(Old design)

Information Specialist (IT)
(now Information Systems Technician)
(Current design)

Investigator (IV)
(Coast Guard Reserve personnel only)


Maritime Law Enforcement Specialist (ME)

Maritime Law Enforcement Specialist (ME)

Machinery Technician (MK)

Machinery Technician (MK)

Marine Sciences Technician (MST)
(ERROR: Should be Marine Science Technician)


Musician (MU)

Musician (MU)

Operations Specialist (OS)

Operations Specialist (OS)

Public Affairs Specialist (PA)

Port Security (PS)
(Disestablished in 2010 and merged into the
Maritime Law Enforcement Specialist (ME) rating)

Radioman (RM)
(Renamed Telecommunications Specialist (TC) in 1995; which then split in July 2003
to form the Information Systems Technician (IT) and Operations Specialist (OS) ratings)


Storekeeper (SK)

Storekeeper (SK)

Storekeeper (SK)
White Forklift
(4” L x 2.25” H; .25” thick)


Storekeeper (SK)
Red Forklift
(4” L x 2.25” H; .25” thick)

Storekeeper (SK)
Black Forklift
(4” L x 2.25” H; .25” thick)

Yeoman (YN)

Yeoman (YN)