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Aviation Mission Specialist

Aviation Rescue Swimmer

Boat Force Operations

Boat Force Operations

Command Afloat

Command Afloat

Command Ashore

Command Ashore







Master Diver

First Class Diver

Second Class Diver

Scuba Diver

Flight Officer
(no longer awarded but still authorized for wear)


Law Enforcement Detachment
(known as Tactical Law Enforcement badge)

Law Enforcement Detachment
(known as Tactical Law Enforcement badge)

Marine Safety
(renamed in 2023 to Prevention Operations Ashore)



The Ancient Trident title, established in 2016, honors the Officer (Gold) and Enlisted (Silver) member with the longest time served in the Marine Safety program. This award not only recognizes Marine Safety longevity, but also extols the Officer and Enlisted member whose personal character and performance standards honor the most venerable practitioners of Marine Safety, and highly reflects the Coast Guard Core Values of Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty.

Gold Ancient Trident

Silver Ancient Trident

Officer-In-Charge Afloat


Officer-In-Charge Ashore

Officer-In-Charge Ashore

Port Security

Port Security

Surface Warfare
(NOTE: The Surface Warfare insignia is a badge of the U.S. Navy. The Coast Guard does not issue the Surface Warfare badge. The comparable Coast Guard insignia is the Cutterman Insignia.
Coast Guard personnel who are permanently cross-assigned to afloat Navy commands may qualify for the Surface Warfare badge through the standard Navy qualification system.)

Surface Warfare
(NOTE: The Surface Warfare insignia is a badge of the U.S. Navy. The Coast Guard does not issue the Surface Warfare badge. The comparable Coast Guard insignia is the Cutterman Insignia.
Coast Guard personnel who are permanently cross-assigned to afloat Navy commands may qualify for the Surface Warfare badge through the standard Navy qualification system.)



