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Douglas A. Munro Coast Guard Headquarters Building

douglas a. munro coast guard

 Coast Guard Headquarters

Coast Guard Headquarters

Coast Guard Headquarters

Coast Guard Headquarters

Headquarters Support Command
(now Base National Capital Region)

Headquarters Support Command
(now Base National Capital Region)

Chief of Staff
(Position eliminated in FY2008 due to a
Coast Guard-wide reorganization. Duties and responsibilities assigned to the Vice Commandant, Deputy Commandant for Mission Support, and Deputy Commandant for Operations)

Chief of Staff
(Position eliminated in FY2008 due to a
Coast Guard-wide reorganization. Duties and responsibilities assigned to the Vice Commandant, Deputy Commandant for Mission Support, and Deputy Commandant for Operations)

Chief of Staff
(Position eliminated in FY2008 due to a
Coast Guard-wide reorganization. Duties and responsibilities assigned to the Vice Commandant, Deputy Commandant for Mission Support, and Deputy Commandant for Operations)

Chief of Staff
(Position eliminated in FY2008 due to a
Coast Guard-wide reorganization. Duties and responsibilities assigned to the Vice Commandant, Deputy Commandant for Mission Support, and Deputy Commandant for Operations)

Chief of Staff
(Position eliminated in FY2008 due to a
Coast Guard-wide reorganization. Duties and responsibilities assigned to the Vice Commandant, Deputy Commandant for Mission Support, and Deputy Commandant for Operations)

Chief of Staff
(Position eliminated in FY2008 due to a
Coast Guard-wide reorganization. Duties and responsibilities assigned to the Vice Commandant, Deputy Commandant for Mission Support, and Deputy Commandant for Operations)



Deputy Commandant for Mission Support (DCMS)
(2.5” diameter)

Deputy Commandant for Mission Support (DCMS)

Deputy Commandant for Mission Support (DCMS)
Coin Paperweight in Acrylic
(Coin: 1.75” diameter; Overall: 2.75” diameter .75” thick)

Director of Personnel Management
(now Assistant Commandant for
Human Resources)

Assistant Commandant for Human Resources (CG-1)
From the Assistant Commandant

Assistant Commandant for Human Resources (CG-1)
People First Award

Assistant Commandant for Human Resources (CG-1)
All Threats * People First * Always Ready

Human Resources

Human Resources

Director of Health, Safety & Work-life (CG-11)
Chief Medical Officer


Health, Safety & Work-Life
Service Center

(formerly HSWL Support Activity)

Health, Safety & Work-Life
Service Center

(formerly HSWL Support Activity)

Health, Safety & Work-Life
Support Activity

(now HSWL Service Center)

Health, Safety & Work-Life
Service Center

Presented By HSWL SC Shore Safety

Health, Safety, and Work-Life
Safety Mobile Assistance Response & Training
Afloat Safety Specialist
(2.5” diameter)


Health and Safety Directorate

Health and Safety Directorate

Office of Work-Life (CG-1K1)
Ombudsman Program

USCG Base National Capital Region
Health Services Clinic

Engineering and Logistics Directorate (CG-4)
Chief Engineer

Engineering and Logistics Directorate (CG-4)

Chief, Office of Naval Engineering (CG-45)
Retirement Ceremony July 2018


Assistant Commandant for C4&IT (CG-6)


Assistant Commandant for C4&IT (CG-6)

Assistant Commandant for C4&IT (CG-6)

Assistant Commandant for C4&IT (CG-6)
Presented by the CIO


Assistant Commandant for C4&IT (CG-6)
Presented by the CIO

Assistant Commandant for C4&IT (CG-6)
Presented by the CIO

Acquisition Directorate (CG-9)

Acquisition Directorate (CG-9)

Acquisition Directorate (CG-9)

Acquisition Directorate (CG-9)

Operational Logistics Command
(Spinner 2.25” diameter)


Director of Operational Logistics
(now Operational Logistics Command)
(2.5” diameter)


Director of Operational Logistics
(now Operational Logistics Command)
In Recognition of Mission Support Excellence

Director of Operational Logistics
(now Operational Logistics Command)
In Recognition of Mission Support Excellence

Director of Operational Logistics
(now Operational Logistics Command)
Coronavirus COVID-19
Protecting the Homeland



Deputy Commandant for Operations (DCO)
”Teamwork * Tenacity * Mission”

Deputy Commandant for Operations (DCO)
”Ready * Relevant * Responsive”

Deputy Commandant for Operations (DCO)
Presented by VADM Charles D. Michel
(future Vice Commandant and first to hold the rank of Admiral)

Deputy Commandant for Operations (DCO)
VADM Charles D. Michel
(future Vice Commandant and first to hold the rank of Admiral)
(2.25” diameter)

Deputy Commandant for Operations (DCO)
Senior Reserve Officer


Operations Directorate

Operations Directorate

Deputy Commandant for Operations (DCO)


Deputy Commandant for Operations (DCO)
(formerly Assistant Commandant for Operations)

Assistant Commandant for Operations
(now Deputy Commandant for Operations (DCO))

Director Operations Policy
(now Deputy Commandant for Operations (DCO))


Assistant Commandant for Response Policy


Assistant Commandant for Response Policy

Response Policy Directorate

Assistant Commandant for Response “Police
(ERROR: “Response Police” vice “Response Policy”)


Director of Emergency Management (CG-5RI)
(formerly Office of Incident Management and Preparedness)


Office of Incident Management and Preparedness (CG-5RI)
(now Director of Emergency Management)

Incident Management and Preparedness Policy Directorate (CG-5RI)
(now Director of Emergency Management)

USCG National Incident Management System


Office of Maritime Security Response Policy


Assistant Commandant for Intelligence (CG-2)
(formerly Director of Intelligence)


Director of Intelligence (CG-2)
(now Assistant Commandant for Intelligence)

Deputy Director of Intelligence (CG-2)
(now Deputy Assistant Commandant for Intelligence)

Counterintelligence Service


Office of Investigations and Analysis (CG-INV)

Office of Investigations and Analysis (CG-INV)

Insider Threat Program


Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer (EPLO)

Office of Policy & Planning

Diving Program


Assistant Commandant for Prevention Policy (CG-5P)
Rear Admiral (Upper Half)


Assistant Commandant for Prevention Policy (CG-5P)
Rear Admiral (Lower Half)

Assistant Commandant for Prevention Policy (CG-5P)
Rear Admiral (Lower Half)

Marine Investigator
Suspension & Revocation
National Center of Expertise

Passenger Vessel Safety Specialist

Assistant Commandant for Prevention
(now Assistant Commandant for
Prevention Policy (CG-5P))

Assistant Commandant for Prevention
(now Assistant Commandant for
Prevention Policy (CG-5P))

Assistant Commandant for Marine Safety and
Environmental Protection

Maritime Infrastructure Protection Force
Training Advisory Group

International Port Security Program

International Port Security Program

International Port Security Program


Port Security Directorate

Port Security Directorate

Commercial Regulations & Standards Directorate

Bridge Administration

Assistant Commandant for Capability (CG-7)

Assistant Commandant for Capability (CG-7)

Office of Aviation Forces (CG-711)


Office of Aviation Forces (CG-711)

Office of Aviation Forces (CG-711)

Aviation Safety


Office of Cutter Forces (CG-751)


Office of Boat Forces (CG-731)
Cutter Operations


Office of Boat Forces (CG-731)
Cutter Operations


Office of Boat Forces (CG-731)
Cutter Operations


Office of Boat Forces (CG-731)
Cutter Operations

Office of Boat Forces (CG-731)
Operational Assessment and Readiness Support (OARS) Team

(3” diameter)


Office of C5I Capabilities (CG-761)

National Command Center (CG-DCO-NCC)

Director of International Affairs (CG-DCO-I)


United States Coast Guard
Attaché Program


Coast Guard and Police Attaché
Embassy of the United States of America

Bogota, Colombia
(2.5” x 2.5”)

U.S. Coast Guard Attaché
U.S. Defense Attaché Office
Cayman Islands Coast Guard

Coast Guard Liaison Officer
Seoul, Korea



Chaplain of the Coast Guard

Chaplain of the Coast Guard

Chaplain of the Coast Guard

U.S. Coast Guard Chaplains

Chaplain of the U.S. Coast Guard

Chaplain of the U.S. Coast Guard

11th Chaplain of the Coast Guard


Coast Guard Reserve

Coast Guard Reserve

Coast Guard Reserve

Coast Guard Reserve

Congressional and Governmental Affairs


Assistant Commandant of Governmental and Public Affairs (CG-092)

Director of Governmental and Public Affairs

Coast Guard Social Media
Public Affairs

Junior Reserve Officer Training Corp

Assistant Commandant for Resources (CG-8)
Presented for Excellence

Assistant Commandant for Planning, Resources & Procurement (CG-8)
Presented for Excellence

Resource Directorate (CG-8)


Office of Resources * Organizational Analysis * Workforce Management


Civil Rights Directorate

Office of Diversity

Judge Advocate General

Chief Prosecutor of the Coast Guard

Integrated Deepwater System

Integrated Deepwater System

Integrated Deepwater System
First in Class - March 5, 2004