Admiral robert E. Kramek
Admiral Kramek was the 20th Commandant and served from 1994-1998.
Admiral James M. Loy (first coin)
Admiral Loy was the 21st Commandant and served from 1998-2002.
Admiral James M. Loy (Second coin)
This is the second version of Admiral Loy's coin.
Admiral james m. loy (2002 State of the USCG coin)
Admiral Loy presented this coin at his 2002 address.
Admiral Thomas H. Collins
Admiral Collins was the 22nd Commandant and served from 2002-2006.
Admiral Thad W. Allen (Commandant Coin)
Admiral Allen was the 23rd Commandant and served from 2006-2010.
Thad W. Allen (Post-Tour Coin)
This is Admiral Allen's current coin.
Admiral Robert J. Papp, Jr.
Admiral Papp was the 24th Commandant and served from 2010-2014.
Admiral Paul F. Zukunft
Admiral Zukunft was the 25th Commandant and served from 2014-2018.
Admiral Karl l. Schultz
Admiral Schultz is the 26th Commandant and has served since 2018.