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Command Master Chief (CGHQ, Area, MLC, District)



Deputy Commandant for Mission Support
Washington, DC

Deputy Commandant for Mission Support
Washington, DC

Deputy Commandant for Operations
Washington, DC

Deputy Commandant for Operations
Washington, DC
(3” diameter)

Director of Operational Logistics
Washington, DC

Operational Logistics Command
Washington, DC
(2.25” H x 2” W)

Headquarters Units
Washington, DC

Headquarters Units
Washington, DC

Headquarters Units
Washington, DC


Headquarters Units
Washington, DC

Headquarters Units
Washington, DC



Force Readiness Command
Norfolk, VA

Force Readiness Command
Norfolk, VA

Force Readiness Command
Norfolk, VA



Atlantic Area
Portsmouth, VA
Command Enlisted Advisor
MCPO Vince Patton

Atlantic Area
Portsmouth, VA

Atlantic Area
Portsmouth, VA

Atlantic Area
Portsmouth, VA

Atlantic Area
Portsmouth, VA
Presented for Excellence

Atlantic Area
Portsmouth, VA
Presented for Excellence

Atlantic Area
Portsmouth, VA
Presented for Excellence


Pacific Area
Alameda, CA
Command Enlisted Advisor

Pacific Area
Alameda, CA
Command Master Chief

Pacific Area
Alameda, CA

Pacific Area
Alameda, CA

Pacific Area
Alameda, CA

Pacific Area
Alameda, CA

Pacific Area
Alameda, CA


Pacific Area
Alameda, CA

Pacific Area
Alameda, CA
Presented by Command Master Chief

Pacific Area
Alameda, CA
Major Cutter Fleet
(3” W x 1.5” H)



Maintenance & Logistics Command Atlantic
Norfolk, VA
(MLCs were dissolved in FY2008 due to
Coast Guard-wide reorganization.
Responsibilities assigned to
Deputy Commandant for Mission Support)

Maintenance & Logistics Command Pacific
Alameda, CA
(Dissolved in FY2008 due to
Coast Guard-wide reorganization.
Responsibilities assigned to
Deputy Commandant for Mission Support)



First Coast Guard District
Boston, MA

First Coast Guard District
Boston, MA

Fifth Coast Guard District
Portsmouth, VA

Fifth Coast Guard District
Portsmouth, VA

Fifth Coast Guard District
Portsmouth, VA
(2.25” diameter)


Seventh Coast Guard District
Miami, FL

Seventh Coast Guard District
Miami, FL

Seventh Coast Guard District
Miami, FL

Seventh Coast Guard District
Miami, FL
(2.5” H x. 1.375” W)

Eighth Coast Guard District
New Orleans, LA

Eighth Coast Guard District
New Orleans, LA

Eighth Coast Guard District
New Orleans, LA


Eighth Coast Guard District
New Orleans, LA


Eighth Coast Guard District
New Orleans, LA

Eighth Coast Guard District
New Orleans, LA

Ninth Coast Guard District
Cleveland, OH


Eleventh Coast Guard District
Alameda, CA

Eleventh Coast Guard District
Alameda, CA

Eleventh Coast Guard District
Alameda, CA


Thirteenth Coast Guard District
Seattle, WA

Thirteenth Coast Guard District
Seattle, WA

Thirteenth Coast Guard District
Seattle, WA

Thirteenth Coast Guard District
Seattle, WA
(2.25” W x 2.25” H)

Fourteenth Coast Guard District
Honolulu, HI

Fourteenth Coast Guard District
Honolulu, HI

Seventeenth Coast Guard District
Juneau, AK

Seventeenth Coast Guard District
Juneau, AK

Seventeenth Coast Guard District
Juneau, AK